2 in 1: Cee’s Fun Photo Challenge: Bridges and Signs

The past few weeks have been so crazy that I managed to select photos for the Bridges challenge, but never found the time to post them.

Ans today is the last day of the signs one, which I must confess I wanted to create even before I knew Cee would post a challenge about it.

So here it goes, 2 galleries, one for each subject.

So we cross:

Crossing our ways:

Wild Weekly Photo Challenge: Birds of a Feather

I’m participating in LetsBeWild.com’s Wild Weekly Photo Challenge.

This week’s Challenge is: Birds of a Feather!

I’m not a bird photographer, but lately I’ve been at least trying to get non-blurred pictures of them.

Here are a few, from which my favorite one is the last one.

Ready to depart

Ready to depart

Ducks and seagulls disputing some bread

Ducks and seagulls disputing some bread

Hi Duckie!

Hi Duckie!

Flying high

Flying high

Almost disguised on the same tone floor

Almost disguised on the same tone floor

Pelicans. No idea what the little fella on top is doing, but it does look funny.

Pelicans. No idea what the little fella on top is doing, but it does look funny.

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Walks – indoor and outdoor

This week’s Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge is about paths made for walking.

One of my favorite activities is to walk. And I try to go for walks every week day during lunch time.

Around my office building there are a few different trails.  Some are of gravel, some are paved. And my favorite is one that goes through a small woods.

And that’s the one I’ll be featuring here:


Weekly Photo Challenge: Up

This week’s Photo Challenge there is Up.

I’m short, so I’m actually most of the time looking up anyways, but sometimes, I really need to turn my head up. And those times were the ones I decided to show here.

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Which Ways – Featuring Steps or Stairs

This week’s Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge features steps or stairs.

Today also, coincidentally, as I was searching for my pictures of steps, I saw that Bing.com image also features stairs:


Right on topic! Cool.

But now, back to my own pictures, here are some pictures of stairs that for some reason or another I decided to take in the past and collected here…

Amazon thinks I’m a guy!

I’m a girl. Ever since I was born, I’m a girl.

And I have never tried to change that, so I’m totally a girl.

Sometimes I do say I’m a guy-ish girl, because I like the company of guys, I have more fund around guys than around girls (or least that used to be true before kids… ;)), I don’t like pink, and  I don’t really enjoy window shopping. But that has always been a joke, because in truth I’m pretty much a girl.

But today, when I open Amazon.com, I noticed that all of the suggested products it was showing me was targeted to a male audience:


And it’s not even father’s day month to assume it was trying to give me gifts ideas…


Now I just wonder what did I buy to make it think like that…

Need to check my order history…


Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Which ways series: Roads

This week, Cee starts a new fun foto challenge series: which ways. For the first week, he way to go is the road.

So let’s get going and hit the road!